Let's help our kids reach for the stars!
Let's help our kids reach for the stars!
S.T.U.D.Y. (Seeking To Uplift Delaware's Youth) Delaware is taking great steps to ensure that our children win.
We believe students and teachers come first. Delaware's parents and teachers deserve to make their own decisions on how to run their schools.
Our students have been performing much lower than we believe to be acceptable, and we aim to help them be as successful as they can be. One of the key pieces to this initiative is direct payments to parents and guardians. Direct Payments give parents the ability to choose a public, private, parochial, charter, or independent school for their children, using all or part of the public funding set aside for their children’s education. Under such a program, funds typically expended by a school district would be allocated to a participating family in the form of a voucher to pay partial or full tuition for their child’s school.
S.T.U.D.Y. Delaware is a project of the *Caesar Rodney Institute and is a nonpartisan, multigenerational initiative based in Delaware promoting student access to quality, results-based education and incentivize K-12 educators that have innovative curricular methods and proven track records of success. The initiative is necessary to ensure that the investments made in the educational process are creating prepared, productive, and well-rounded students for the 21st century. (*CRI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan, public policy research organization based in Delaware.)